This year I decided to resume work as an Holistic Birthing Companion, a Doula. I decided to rejoin Doula UK after a break of 4 years, one way of letting the universe know that I am serious about returning to the world of Birth work.
Even though I've officially been a "resting" Doula since the birth of my youngest 4 years ago, I attended 5 incredible births last year and have conducted many Mother Blessing ceremonies over the intervening time, also within the Red Thread we have welcomed many new souls earthside, and so I have never really been far from birth.
When it came to writing my "Doulaography" however, I found myself sitting and staring for a prolonged time at an empty screen. I realised that being a Doula had become so much a part of Who I Am, that I hadn't really thought about it in a linear fashion for a long time!
I started to think about how my attitude to Birthwork has changed and developed over the years and so I spent some time reflecting on this (while washing up, making lunch, hoovering… no such thing as quiet reflection in this house!)
So much has happened in the 4 years since I decided to take a break. I have changed; I have grown, I have been burnt but emerged strengthened from the glowing embers, I have learnt wonderful new things and made some beautiful connections & soul friends and so, I suppose has my practice of Being with birth, evolved too.
All of my experiences have informed who and how I am in my life and in my work, I realised in one startling moment of clarity how absolutely grateful I am for every single moment of my experience, even the moments that have felt dark and difficult.
In spite of all that change, the essence of who I am and what I do as a Doula has stayed the same. My commitment to the work and my intention remain clear, untarnished and only stronger for the time that has passed.
I do this work to support and to care for women in Birth. I do this work because I Love it ~ I love Birth, I love babies, I love to bear witness to such beauty & to glimpse the mystery. I do this work because it is one of the things that I am meant to do in this lifetime ~ along with Mothering my children and Celebrancy and other things I am yet to discover but can feel just around the corner… I do this work because it is a part of Who I am.
Today I am so grateful for this clarity and excited about all that is to come.