Well, so far it has been an eventful year around here, but it is about to get a lot more interesting and exciting, as we are now able to publish a working schedule of events at Nurtured Family Nurtured Earth. The day is now just 3 weeks away, and continues to draw in magic, surprises and amazing Raffle Prizes as it grows! I will blog shortly about all of the fantastic donations we have had for our raffle, for now though, I am very happy to bring you the schedule below.
Thank you once again to everyone who is working so hard to bring this day into being; for us it is much like a community labour and birth (only with more emails...!) and I am so so grateful to all of you who are working so hard for us, mopping brows and getting ready to catch, and most importantly to ENJOY, Nurtured Family Nurtured Earth as it unfolds into being on June 4th.
I can't wait to see you all on the day. Blessings x
Talks in The Haslemere Room
10.30 Doors Open
10.45 - 11.45 Discussing Vaccination and Natural Immunity, Anna Watson of Arnica Parents
12.00 - 13.00 “Nurturing The Whole Child In Education” Maggie Curry of Heartwood Small School project
13.30 - 14.30 “Parents, Architects of The Future” with Patrick Houser of Fathers To Be International. Which came first the parent or the child? When does parenting, and for that matter childhood, actually begin? What real choices do we have as parents regarding the future wellbeing of our children?
14.45 - 16.00 “The Nurtured Family” with Veronika Sophia Robinson, Editor of The Mother magazine. Veronika will share ten threads of nurturing to weave into family life. She'll offer ideas which are easy and practical, and can be implemented by any parent seeking to bring more consciousness to their daily life.
Childrenʼs Activities in the garden (children must be accompanied by an adult at all times)
10.30 Doors Open
11- 11.45 Relax Kids session in the yurt, with Katharine Bowdidge. Come along for a fun adventure in your imagination~ includes some movement and games, stretching (gentle yoga poses) breathing, affirmations and visualisations, a calming story to help mind and body relax.
12- 13.00 Music for parents and children with Len of the Len Tyler Music School, meet under the shelter in the garden
13.15 - 13.45 Meet Alfie! with Paul Robinson ~ a ventriloquist show for kids of all ages in the yurt.
14.00 - 14.30 “A Mongolian Story” Story telling with Lynne Fornieles and Willow of Heartwood Small School Project, in the yurt.
14.30- 16.00 Kids Activities with Etudeo in the yurt.
Garden Schedule
All Day Tʼai Chi in the Bell Tent with Dean Dalrymple, running 40 minute sessions of Tʼai Chi through the day, suitable for all abilities.
13.30 - 14.30 Herb Walk: Come rain or shine the wild stuff will thrive. Whether you call them wild plants, herbs or weeds, they can probably help you improve your health. Learn the identity of some of Britainʼs wild flowers and trees and how they work with your body to heal various ailments. Led by Medical Herbalist Tim Carpenter. Meet at the foot of the steps to the annexe in the garden at 13.30 to join this fantastic walk.
16.00 - 17.00 Please join us for a Community Drumming Circle, led by Drumheads & the Guildford Drum Circle in the garden for a dynamic end to your day.
Healing Tipi
The therapists of The Indigo Touch will have a table in the market room and be running a healing area all day in the Tipi in the Garden, please check out the schedule and drop in.
10.30 - 11.15 Dee French ~ offering Nutritional Advice, please drop in
11.15 - 12.00 Emma McGuire ~ introduction to Homeopathy and First Aid Remedies
12.00 - 12.45 Tamara Kircher ~ Chinese Massage (Tui Na) for children
12.45 - 13.30 Jacky Milner Walker ~ Baby Massage Demonstration
13.30 - 14.15 Carina Petter ~ Talk on Cranial Osteopathy
15.00- 15.45 Alex Sams ~ Bach Flower Remedies