Thursday 22 April 2010

I am the sea
I am the mountains
I am the light
I am eternal
This confusion is fog
There is light beyond
I sense it and feel its warmth
I move toward it
but not headlong
I fear to stumble,
to fall with pain.
There are women everywhere with fragments
When we learn to come together we are whole
When we learn to recognize the enemy 
we will come to recognize what we need to know
to learn how to come together
I know the many smiling faces of my enemy
I know the pretence that is the weapon used.
I have been the enemy
and learned to know myself well.
The ones who talk only from the throat 
see only with two eyes
hear only with ears
but pretend to do more
are the enemy
I walked amidst shards
and fear laceration
I must dare to bleed
I must dare to cut myself
To amputate
the festering pain.
I will learn to mix medicine bags for those with faith
I will learn to chant the power chant
I will learn to mix
medicine bags for those with faith
I will learn to chant the power chant 
and play the healing drum.
I will not fear moss voices
water songs
 Small furry things with sharp teeth
 or my own hesitancy.
I am falling
I am falling
Past star
Past time
 through space
 and my own fragments
oh sisters the pain
I am scattered
I am scattered
gather fragments
weave and mend

scattered fragments
weave and mend
In golden light
I recognize the enemy faces
fear of our bodies
fear of our visions
fear of our healing 
fear of our love
fear of sister kind
fear of brother kind
fear of fear
Love is healing
healing is love
There are women everywhere with fragments

gather fragments
weave and mend

When we learn to come together we are whole
When we learn to recognize the enemy
we will know what we need to know
to learn how to come together
to learn how to weave and mend.
Old Woman is watching 
watching over you
In the darkness of the storm
she is watching
watching over you
weave and mend
weave and mend

Old woman is watching
watching over you
with her bones become a loom
she is weaving
watching over us
weave and mend
golden circle
weave and mend
sacred sisters
weave and mend
I have been searching 
I have been searching
for so many years
I have been searching 
Old Woman
and I find her
from Daughters of the Copperwoman by Anne Cameron